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Klansky Plays Chopin (on double CD)

Klansky Plays Chopin (on double CD)

O проекте

Bolzano, Barcelona, Leipzig, Warsaw, Naples, Fort Worth, Santander - in all these cities' international competitions did Ivan Klánský win one of the major prizes. A prodigous young talent, he was then (1967-1976) a student at the Prague Conservatoire and later a pupil of Valentina Kameníková and František Rauch at the Prague Academy. Ivan Klánský (b. 1948) is one of the leading pianists of his generation. Renowned for his interpretative insight, he has enjoyed a remarkable international career both as a soloist and as a member of the outstand- ing Guarneri Trio of Prague. As a soloist of the Czech Philharmonic he has visited all the major music centres of the world. The number of his public performances has recently reached 5000, an estimable count indeed. His wide repertoire encompasses all the major works of the piano literature. As a fi nalist of the Chopin Competition he has been considered a Chopin specialist, and it is true that that Romantic master's music is particularly close to him, as can be evidenced from this recording; he is, however, no less dedicated to the performance of other great composers and especially of his two compatriots, Bedřich Smetana and Leoš Janáček whose complete piano works he has committed to disc. Ivan Klánský regularly sits on juries of major international piano competi- tions and has an outstanding teaching career as professor of keyboard instruments at the Prague Academy of Music. Beaux Arts released in cooperation with Tanja Classic s.r.o.


Художественным школам и их ученикам предоставляются скидки.
Наименование Дебютный компакт-диск Лукаша Клански

Цена: 220 (+почтовые расходы: 150) CZK


Klansky Plays Chopin (on double CD)

Цена: 499 (+почтовые расходы: 150) CZK


Жак-Фереоль Мазас: Артистические этюды соч. 36/1 в сопровождении второй скрипки (докомпонировано Йозефом Мицкой).
(Партитура с предисловием, две скрипичные партии, комплектная запись на двух компакт-дисках, буклет)

Цена: 750 (+почтовые расходы: 350) CZK


Вит Мицка: Интродукция и Токката "Медведь и ласка"

Цена: 60 (+почтовые расходы: 150) CZK


Вит Мицка, Воспоминания Дона Хосе для скрипки соло

Цена: 70 (+почтовые расходы: 150) CZK


Antonín Dvořák: SLAVONIC DANCES for piano four hands

Цена: 200 (+почтовые расходы: 150) CZK


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